My Path

Ever since I can remember I have always been drawn to working with pregnant woman and new mothers.  Over the years I have studied all types of holistic healing and my thoughts always were; how can I gear this towards pregnancy, children and parenting? I often asked my self; where was this pull towards pregnancy and working with new mothers coming from?  Was it my longing to be a mother? It wasn’t until I was taking my doula training and the first thing my teacher said was “ there is a reason you are here, something happened to each and every one of you in your life that brought you here today  “. I had one of those “a- ha“ moments – “this makes sense“… but still wasn’t aware of what it was. During this same time I was doing a lot of therapy and healing work on my self. One of my teachers, Michele Meiche did very powerful “Hypnotherapy Clearing work ” sessions with me. In one of our sessions, I saw an energy that I carried deep with in my core of feeling like a burden, not lovable and that I didn’t deserve to exist. I realized this energy was the driving force behind my life, every choice and path I chose came from this place.  I had no idea where this was coming from but armed with determination and the intention of finding out, I was back to see Michele a week later. In this session, she guided back in time to when I first felt these feelings and I kept going deeper until, BOOM I was in my mother’s womb. It felt awful in there!!!! I started getting totally stressed out, couldn’t breath and started having an enormous panic attack, she took me out of the session and suggested I speak to my mother about her pregnancy with me.

I called my mother asking what happened when you were pregnant with me?? She began to cry saying “ Lori the fact that you survived that pregnancy, your soul was meant to be here” She began explaining to me all that happened from her being so young and the shame of what it was like being pregnant and not married back in the 60’s, feelings of being in denial, not eating and starving herself, going into a major depression, talks and thoughts about putting me up for adoption, and more …  she said something shifted inside of her and in the 7th month or so of her pregnancy she felt me kicking and moving  she started getting really excited about  having me…. However the energetic foundation had already been set.

I always say, “I spent the first part of my life getting messed up, the second part living from that place, the third part healing and finally somewhere around 40 I felt like I had finally arrived”.

It’s my belief that before we are born we pick and choose our parents and have a soul contract with them. We experience lessons we need to learn that support us on our souls path.

 I love my parents!! They did the best they could with what they knew at the time. My greatest wound turned out to be my greatest gift. This was my path!!! However the state of the world is in major crisis, the future is in the hands of our children. They don’t have time to waste getting messed up, living from it and healing. It’s up to us to lead they way and set a solid and healthy foundation, one of consciousness and awareness to grow from. Out of my own healing, life path, studying and deepest passion and joy “ ROOTED FOR LIFE “ was birthed.



1 Response to “My Path”

  1. 1 meg hewey November 10, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    I’m really happy for you and all that you have done for yourself and those around you. Reading your story and thinking about when I knew you made me smile and brought a really light feeling to my being. I remember feeling that there was something a little sad and lost about you in high school (although I have to ask who didn’t feel a little sad and lost as an adolescent) and it just makes me smile knowing that you are thriving and inspiring others. I’m sending a big energetic hug to you and everyone else I knew at that time in hopes that their path leads them to happiness and contentment in their present lives.
    In light,

    ps I really enjoy your blogs and encourage some of my clients to check them out.

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